Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Future

!. Go to your blog. Write an entry about the future. What are your goals, hopes and dreams? What would you like to accomplish? What kind of job are you interested in?

When you're done, you may either Save or Publish. Only Publish it if it's something you're going to be proud of having written.

2. You can either go to one of the featured blog entries on the right and leave a comment for them or go to the forum for second and third graders and reply to something somebody wrote there. Be polite and supportive. Set a good example.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Finish VoiceThread

1. Find your pictures here.

Find more here.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Which game is more fun? Which one helps you learn your multiplication facts better?

Math Mayhem





Monday, October 8, 2007

Great Books VoiceThread

Our major task today is to find the pictures you need to make your VoiceThread.

First, see my example to see how your finished product should look like.
If you're ready to do your narration, you may do that now.

For your book cover, do a google search with the title of your book - make sure you're spelling it right. Choose the biggest image you can find.

To find an images, do a Creative Commons Flickr Search. These are photographs people have taken and have given others the permission to use. Save the websites so you can add attribution later.

Save images to your desktop.

For your own personal image, take your picture in Photo Booth (it's in your applications folder), then go to to make a cartoon image of yourself.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


1. Go to the tutorial about angles.

2. Practice identifying angles