Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009


1. Go to your blog

Finish a post - your memoir or your grandparent's poem

2. Go to another people's blog and write two comments.

Procedures for the Computer Lab
1. Have yellow WIP folder and seed book in your hand when you line up for computer lab.
2. Walk quietly to the computer lab and to your assigned seat.
3. Launch Safari and go to the 5th grade webpage for directions.
4. Focus on getting your work done and let the people next to you get their work done.

The sooner you get your assignments done, the sooner you’ll have choices on the tasks you want to work on.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Spelling and ...

1. Take spelling test - 20 words, 10 words or 7 words

2. Write a new blog post or finish a draft. Concentrate and focus on your getting this done.

3. When you've finished #2, congratulations! Relax a little. You got something done.

4. Read some friends' blogs and add an intelligent comment.

5. Don't have anything to do? Bored? Put your boredom to use and learn something! Practice multiplication facts. Start with your twos and work your way up.

Friday, September 4, 2009

1. Take STAR Test

2. Practice your spelling if you need to.

3. Take your spelling test. Save it to the Campus Server.

4. Go to the blogs page. Scroll down until you see the fifth grade blogs. See if your name is there. If you have one, you may (1) write a new entry or (2) read some other blogs and comment. If you don't have one, look at a few students' blogs and get an idea of what you want to write about. Comment on three.