Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hour of Code Choice II

1. Hour of Code Video

2. The Maze

3. Choose one of these projects to try next - maybe the Scratch Christmas Card or, if you really want to try something advanced, the Khan Academy Introduction to JavaScript.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hour of Code Choice I

1. Hour of Code video

2. For your Hour of Code activity, you're going to work on a Scratch project that can help people learn the names of the shapes. For those of you who are coming back to finish your project, continue on with the part you were working on.

Part One Directions

Part Two Directions

Part Three Directions

3. When you finish your project, you may put it on your blog. You may work on this tutorial, or after you have finished that, you may work on one of these.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hour of Code: Scratch Shapes

For your Hour of Code activity, you're going to work on a Scratch project that can help people learn the names of the shapes.

Part One Directions

Part Two Directions

Part Three Directions

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hour of Code

Next week, Edgemere is going to be participating in the Hour of Code and all classes in Kindergarten through sixth grade will be doing an activity with either Mrs. Salazar or me.

1. Watch this video to find out why coding is important

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gaggle Safety and University Search

Video Directions

1. Gaggle

2. Try to match these universities with the clues you're given:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Notre Dame

3. If you have time, you may write a new blog post about this topic:

Is there a college you're thinking you'd like to attend if you could? Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to study right now? Tell us about it!